Focused Individualized Support

Focused Individualized Support  

Note: Focused Individualized Support is reserved for FunJoyment Group participants and individual clients.                                                                            


For the last two years, John has been able to build on the trust relationships he and his staff have developed with teens and young adults in groups and individual therapy by developing “Focused Individualized Support”.  Individuals and/or families set goals, and then John and a paraprofessional develop a plan to help support the individual in achieving that goal.  In the last two years, individuals have used this service to successfully:

  • Interview for jobs and become employed
  • Enroll at community colleges
  • Enroll at local four year colleges and universities
  • Find and join community-based interest groups
  • Explore public transportation
  • Invite friends (met at FunJoyment Groups) to their homes or a community outing


In the future, we see this service assisting individuals as they:

  • Look for housing
  • Seek medical and dental providers
  • Seek legal advice
  • Sit down with employers at performance review times
  • Consider big purchases
  •  Make long-term investment decisions


Please contact John for further information at:
612 716 9470